Clinical Decision Support

Medical-Objects have an active Research and Development team and are passionate about advancing healthcare through the application of innovative software solutions. The reason our products succeed where others fail is related to our depth of knowledge, commitment and cutting edge software framework.

Medical-Objects is represented at HL7 internationally and Standards Australia nationally where it has a responsibility for Release 2 of the Clinical Decision Support (CDS) language GELLO. Other standards, namely HL7 V2, SNOMED-CT, LOINC and CEN 13606 (Archetypes) are used as platforms for the various editors and development tools that Medical-Objects uses and shares with others for refinement. Medical-Objects is the first and currently only Australian organisation to obtain certification for its HL7 V2.3.1 messages.

  • Certified with the AHML (Australian Healthcare Messaging Laboratory) since 2005
  • HL7 Australia member since 2005

We know HL7, call one of our consultants today.


GELLO is an ANSI standard computer language for writing clinical decision support applications. Medical-Objects produced the first GELLO compiler in clinical use and uses GELLO for Guidelines (using GLIF or Guideline Interchange Format), constraints, validation and calculated fields in Archetype data entry. It is also used to create complex data series for graphing or statistical analysis.

To read more click here.

We pride ourselves on providing extensive knowledge in this area and consultation is welcomed.

Guideline Interchange Format (GLIF)

GLIF stands for Guideline Interchange Format. It is a language for the structured representation of clinical guidelines. It incorporates patient states, decisions, actions and links in a computer processable way. It is also designed for the sharing of guidelines, and may be itself represented in a form that people can process. The GLIF editor developed by Medical-Objects has computer processing occurring underneath the surface, yet the clinicians using (and producing the guidelines) see an intuitive flowchart interface. The real advantage of computerised guidelines is their ability to take guidelines directly to the point of care. It is ineffective having guidelines that exist only in a book on the shelf gathering dust – having context appropriate computerised decision support whilst in the process of delivering patient care, improves patient care.

To read more click here.

Terminology and Classifications

Due to Medical-Objects expertise in an integrated standards based suite of technologies, we can work with you to electronically capture, persist, decision support, and report across the full clinical complexity of your enterprise. We have experience with mapping terms to SNOMED-CT and LOINC; and with using ICD-10-AM. GELLO has a dedicated layer of exposure to the ontological knowledge base that underlies SNOMED-CT, and we are unique in our development of tooling and technology to fully leverage this powerful resource.


Our template editor saves and loads ADL, according to the 13606-2 standard (ADL v1.2) and it can export in an XML format that supports extended semantics (the template functionality), including GELLO event handling. We use the HL7/ANSI standard GELLO v.1 as a ‘scripting’ language for node value validation, initialisation, calculation and visibility. Constructs are also tagged and editable for HL7 v.2 message generation. Datatypes are mapped accordingly. Example data can be created in HL7v2 format using the Australian Archetypes in V2 draft standard approach.

Require information on Archetypes? Please contact us.