Apr 6, 2016 | Announcements
QUEENSLAND HEALTH HOSPITAL DEPARTMENTS An increasing number of Queensland Health hospital departments are set up with Medical Objects. A number of the departments are for inbound referrals only, some are for outbound discharge summaries only, and some can provide both...
Sep 18, 2012 | Announcements
Medical Objects are now capable of delivering correspondence on behalf of the following Pathology/Radiology providers. ZENITH SPECIALIST PATHOLOGY (Brisbane, QLD) NH DIAGNOSTICS (Brisbane, QLD) QUEENSLAND HEALTH HOSPITAL DEPARTMENTS An increasing number...
Jun 27, 2012 | Announcements
Medical Objects are now capable of delivering correspondence on behalf of the following Pathology/Radiology providers. INFINITY PATHOLOGY (Brisbane, QLD) METROPATH (Melbourne, VIC) QUEENSLAND HEALTH HOSPITAL DEPARTMENTS An increasing number of Queensland...