Apr 27, 2011 | Announcements
GELLO is a HL7/ANSI standard decision support language. It has its roots in OCL but has been optimised and extended for decision support. Its primary role is as a query language for obtaining clinical information from a EHR system in a standard way. It uses an...
Nov 18, 2010 | Announcements
Sunshine Coast Medical-Objects is moving premises as of 29th November 2010, to a new location at: Suite 10, 102 Wises Road, Maroochydore, Queensland, 4558 If you intend on calling our support helpdesk during the day of our move please be aware there may be some...
Oct 16, 2010 | Announcements
Did you know the Medical Objects Capricorn client can be configured to output your incoming results or reports into PDF format? Providing an ideal solution for Allied Health providers or those practices without practice management software incapable of importing HL7...
Aug 19, 2010 | Announcements
With over 17,000 providers on our directory Australia wide. Medical-Objects has all the tools and expertise to make interoperability a reality today Medical-Objects assists in the creation of medical reports and referrals and their secure transmission. Notes,...